Monday, April 11, 2011

Healthy Wolverine

I first of all have to say that I have been very unhappy, and to be honest a little bit depressed about how my body looks, and I don't remember a time when I was ever confident in the way I looked. I have always been very self-conscious and felt like I was a bit overweight or a bit chubby. I am starting to change that attitude I have about myself. I figure that sitting on my butt and thinking about it and getting down on myself isn't going to make the weight go away. Last summer I started doing something about it and I lost like 30 pounds! Then I was happy for awhile and slowly...some of the weight has come back. The last few months I have started excercising regularly and eating a lot better and guess what? I FEEL GREAT! Yeah sure I am still a bit dissatisfied with the way my body looks but it's looking better every day ;) I am noticing a difference! Today I started a program that I heard about from my boss, it is called "The Couch-to 5k Running Program" and combined with my Turbo Jams (my absolute favorite workout dvd) I am excited for the resluts I am seeing and will see! Seriously though...Turbo Jams kicks my butt...there are many days when I feel like staying in bed, or I feel like I am going to die because I am so freaking sore but I love it! I don't own a scale and I have no set weight I want to lose or set inches to shed, I am going to keep doing this hopefully for the rest of my life. Why? because it's good for me! It's never too late to start good habits!

Now I don't want this post to seem like a "poor Heather" or a pity party for me because I know that there are many people (probably the majority of people) who aren't happy with the way they look, but guess what? YOU CAN CHANGE THAT! I'm getting to where I want to be, and that makes me happy. I'm not doing this in hopes that I can get the attention of males...although that would be nice haha...I'm doing this for myself because it makes me feel good!

If any of you want to see what the program is like, here is the link:

Be a Healthy Wolverine! (don't mind sweaty ol' me after a nice workout!)

*peace out girl scout*

1 comment:

  1. your amazing heather! you should check out its really helped me keep track of what im eating and helped me lose 10 pounds :)
