Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Internship: Day 5

Today started out pretty rough...you see I am supposed to be at the airport by 8:30AM, and when I woke up today at about 8:15AM, that posed quite the problem.  The first thing I could think of to do was to call Dave's office and tell him that I was obviously going to be late, and apologize over and over and over again.  I got ready in a flash and was on my way and I ended up being just over an hour late, and when I arrived, I apologized some more, to which Dave replied with a chuckle and reassuring me it was ok, these things happen. (Yeah, and "these things" seem to always happen to me at the most inconvenient times)  I called up Braden and found out where they were and we helped "direct traffic" in the terminal, there were a lot of people trying to get through security and for some reason, some of them were having trouble keeping the line moving. 
While standing there, a young girl was leaving her grandma and going back home to Maryland.  She was only 13 and she was considered an "unaccompanied minor" and she had no idea where she needed to go.  So Phil, Jordan and I escorted her to her gate.  This brought back memories of the good old days when I, myself was an unaccompanied minor.  When I was younger, starting at the age of 6, I was flying all by myself between my parents and also to visit my grandparents.  Sometimes, I had to be guided by a gate agent to where I needed to be, but when I got old enough, I could pretty much do it myself.  I had the SLC, Detroit, Denver and now San Diego airports practically memorized.  Though I will always remember my very first flight by myself. I sobbed the whole flight. I'm sure it was only from SLC to Denver but I remember sitting in an aisle seat and burying my head in my lap and crying for the roughly 1-1 1/2 hr flight.  Looking back now, this is funny to me because it wasn't the first time I had flown.  I had flown numerous times, I probably had more frequent flyer miles at my young age than most normal traveling people get in their whole lives.  The only thing that was different about all the times I had flown before, was that I usually had my dad or grandma with me, someone to chat with and lean my head on their shoulder to take a nap, and this time I was very aware that I was by myself and if the plane crashed, I would be alone when I died. (very morbid thoughts for a child don't ya think?)  Of course we all know how often large plane crashes occur, very rarely.
One of the dark, long hallways.
Anyway...back to the story.  When we got back we got back with Jeremey and he showed us even more secret tunnels and passageways.  We found the boiler room, boy was it hot in there, and very loud, and kinda scary.  We went in this tunnel from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2 and it was made of concrete and very large pipes and it was extremely long.  I definitely wouldn't want to go there alone, it was kinda creepy and as you walked the hallway got narrower and narrower and also shorter.  Jeremey showed us the final painting we had been on a quest to find since day 1, it was in the Rental Car place (of course, the only other place we hadn't been to yet) and he asked us about the Hiney Hiders and I was right! It is the brand name that makes the stalls and locks for bathrooms but apparently he didn't hear me give that answer the first time he asked.
We also learned about the Blue Angels, and they are not the Blue Angels you are thinking of.  I. NEVER. WANT. TO. BE. ONE. EVER. Talk about nasty...
After that we learned about the new taxi driver requirements that are going to be put into action soon.  It's a very interesting concept, and if you are honestly curious, ask me and I will tell you about it sometime.
After lunch we got to go to the police station.  I LOVED it over there, it was so fascinating and John was a very animated guy when he was telling us all these funny stories.  Hopefully we will get to spend another day in the police station.  We really wanted to see the bomb dogs :)
*peace out girl scout*

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