Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

On Election Day I had the opportunity to work the polls. We had to show up at 6 am to begin the setup of the voting machines, computers, and hanging signs before the polls opened at 7.  I was responsible for writing people’s names down, the form of ID they showed, their precinct, and then I had to make sure they signed next to their name.  It was a super long day, I worked from 6 am to 9 pm.  During that amount of time, I wrote 498 people’s names/information down, I’m surprised my hand didn’t cramp up…although the next day I didn’t bowl very well so that was my excuse for that. 

I only encountered about half a dozen grumpy people, which is good considering the amount of people that passed through there that day.  There were people lined up right when we opened, and for the most part it didn’t get terribly busy until about 3:30-4, and that is when everybody got off of work and the madness began.  We were constantly busy until about 30 minutes before the polls closed.

It was a fun and good experience.  I worked with some fun women, and during our down times we snacked on delicious treats that they all brought. I would definitely do it again if I was needed.  I’m glad that I could help people move along and do their duty to vote!  If you were wondering, I did get a chance to vote in the afternoon!  It was a good day.
*peace out girl scout*

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