I flew out to Michigan on Monday, November 19 to be here for Thanksgiving. There also happened to be a Justin Bieber concert that my Aunt Julie and Uncle Matt had bought tickets to for my cousin Olive. Since I've spent so much time out here recently, we had talked about going together and wearing matching outfits and everything. Our dreams came true and I finally got a ticket to be here. The concert was on Wednesday evening and we had to drive into Auburn Hills which is almost in Detroit.

The kids only had a half day of school so I drove to their house on Tuesday evening so that I could be with them for a few days. Wednesday felt like the longest day EVER!
Olive got home from school and then we picked up Buzz from school and basically we just listened to music and played around for a the rest of the afternoon, counting down the hours until the concert started.
Bieber Bound in our matching purple jackets :) |
When my aunt got home from work, Olive and I were dressed and ready to blast out of there! I felt like a teenager again. We made a CD earlier that day filled with only Justin Bieber songs and we cranked up the volume and (carefully) cruised out of town. It took us nearly an hour to get there and we knew we were close when the traffic came to a dead stop. We followed a Party Bus that had a poster on the rear that said "Bieber Bound" and we knew we couldn't get lost if we stuck close to it.
We parked the car and literally ran to the building, we were seriously so excited. We used the restroom (which took awhile considering the concert arena was basically all female) and rushed to our seats. We had a pretty decent view of the stage but still pretty far away, but we didn't care, we were at a Justin FREAKING Bieber concert! I'm pretty sure I did act like a teenager again. It reminded me of my very first concert, which was Aaron Carter.
Aaron Carter, such good memories :)
view from our seats |
The opener for the concert was Carly Rae Jepsen and she sounded great! We weren't for sure if she would make it because we had heard that she had been sick earlier that week and hadn't performed but she got better just for us! Then finally, the long awaited moment. OUR boy Justin finally came out on stage! He sang, all the girls screamed and sang right along with him (me included). It was such a fun night! We laughed, we screamed, we sang, we danced, and a lot of girls actually cried (Olive included). It was so fun to be able to let loose and just sing as loud as you wanted and dance and scream. By the end of the night, Olive and I barely had any voices left, and our ears were ringing a lot. We stuck around afterwards and waited in line for about 45 minutes to get our t-shirts, don't worry, we have matching ones :)
What a cutie patootie! |
I have to admit, I really do like Justin Bieber and his songs. I know that I am 23 years old and I get a lot of crap for liking him but I don't really care. He is a cute guy and he has catchy tunes, so sue me! A lot of people say he is terrible and isn't really talented at all and it kind of infuriates me. During his concert, he played the guitar, drums, piano, sang and danced. If that's not talented then I don't know what is. It was a night I will remember for the rest of my life. I absolutely loved being able to be with my cousin. She is now getting to an age where we are starting to have things in common and we can talk about practically anything and I love, love, LOVE it.
We safely made it back to Grand Blanc (where she lives) and we decided ice cream was the perfect cure for our hoarse voices so we stopped at the grocery store where we got Hot Pockets and Ben&Jerry's and we danced Gangnam Style through the isles of the store because it was midnight, and nobody was really around, and because we wanted to!
This is one of my favorite pictures, all smiles. Good memories :)
*peace out girl scout*
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