Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pore Strips

So you know those pore strips that you can put on your nose, forehead and chin? Well I was being crafty and trying out something I found on Pinterest. Those strips can get pretty expensive when you buy a box of them so when I saw that you could make them with 2 cheap ingredients, I jumped on it. 

You mix milk and unflavored gelatin. Easy right? It smells awful, I was expecting no smell at all.  So I whipped up a batch and the lady that was explaining how to do it said she smoothed it all over her face because it needed a little “lovin”, or something like that. So, I put it all over my face…looking back, this was a BAD IDEA.

I waited the required 10-15 minutes for it to harden, it hardened so much that my face couldn’t move at all.  And then she said you peel it right off…easier said than done.   I might as well have put super glue on my face.  I scratched and picked and finally started making some progress.  It hurt so bad, I thought the first layer of skin on my face was being ripped off.  Yeah sure by the time I was done, what was left of my pores were clean.  I should have taken a picture because I looked like I had a bad sunburn and my skin had been peeling because I didn’t want to get the rest of the crap off my face, and it had been scratched and rubbed raw.  Even after a nice shower and a generous application of moisturizer my face was still bright red.

Note to self, IF I ever do it again, I will NOT spread it all over my face.
*peace out girl scout*


  1. This funny.... in an I love Lucy kind of way!

  2. Dear heather,

    you are amazing! im always to big of chicken to try those things for this reason! i do think though you should have taken a picture,.... just for "educational" reasons ;)
